Monday, October 12, 2009

Is it safe to email and IM when my computer has the vista antivirus scam?

My computer has that vista antivirus 2008 scam on it, and i am working on removing it... so while it is on my computer, is it safe to email and IM people when i have the vista antivirus 2008 scam on my computer? can it get sent through email? also, is it safe to plug my ipod into my computer with that on there? please help

Is it safe to email and IM when my computer has the vista antivirus scam?
No. You WILL infect other people's machines. You will also infect your files on the ipod. Why you are even trying to use the machine with this on it I do not know. FIX IT!.
Reply:shouldnt be able to do any harm to your friends, because youre not attaching anything to the emails(if you are, wait till its gone) same thing goes for IMing. about the ipod, i honestly have no idea, i would try to wait it out though

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