Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Where can i send a copy of a MONEY SCAM email i recieved? it needs to be reported b4 alot of folks get taken..

there is suppose to be a site to report these scams to so OUR Government can stop them from ripping Americans off..

Where can i send a copy of a MONEY SCAM email i recieved? it needs to be reported b4 alot of folks get taken..
If you haven't lost money to it, then forward it to:

Also, write their email provider at their "abuse" address (, etc.) and include the message with its full headers; complain about the message, and ask that the account be shut down.

But keep in mind, the US government can't stop anybody from sending emails, whether they're American citizens or foreign nationals... unfortunately, the freedom of the internet is easily abused by scammers!
Reply:Go to "Report e-mail scams" or "Internet Scams"
Reply:You can forward the e-mail either to the Federal Trade Commission or the FBI.$.start...
Reply:Report it to the Consumer Protection division of your state's Attorney General's office. It's possible your local prosecutor/ district atty has a consumer protection division, but this solicitation probably went to people all over your state or all over the U.S. If that's true, your Attorney General would be the person to act. It's unlikely it went only to you.
Reply:send it to people you know first and have them send it on...then send it to your states government...I'm sure they have a contact website


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