Saturday, November 7, 2009

Can I do anything about a Domain Keys Verified user sending me a scam EMail?

does actually monitor these users sending scams out from their website or can users send out anything they want?

Can I do anything about a Domain Keys Verified user sending me a scam EMail?
Just because an email shows that it is sent from a Yahoo account doesn't it actually was. Spammers are programmers, and they can make anything look like anything else.

According to the anti-spam experts, we are seeing far more spam mails now than ever before. And the spammers have become more clever about defeating the spam filters. That's why more spam is making it to the Inbox instead of going straight to the Bulk folder. There are a few basic things we can all do to keep spam to a minimum...

1. Spam mails that go straight to Bulk should be left there. You can empty the Bulk folder any time you want, but never NEVER open spam mails.

2. Spam mails that land in your Inbox should be marked as Spam so that they are moved to Bulk and placed on the Blocked list. (Blocking an address prevents mails from being received from that address.)

3. Any email that you are the least bit suspicious about should be deleted immediately. Don't let curiosity get the better of you. Simply by opening a spam email, you could be alerting the spammers that you have an active email address (they probably didn't know it before), to which they will most certainly send TONS of spam mail in the future.
Reply:Pointless answer. If Domain keys do nothing about Spam, then they are useless and should be discontinued.

Clearly Domain Keys was either an idea that was diluted by management, or was not able to be implemented because it would cripple email. either way it should be discontinued. Report Abuse

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